Lifestyles of the Rich and Nerdy

What if you woke up tomorrow and found $10 million in your bank account?

How about $100 million? How about a billion?

What would you do with all that money?

What’s the most outrageous thing you’d buy?

Give it a think—

Then you can compare it to a few over-the-top…

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Tags: Elon musk Mark zuckerberg Sean parker

Do you want to live forever?

Zuckerberg Meets the Pope – Guess What He Gave Him…

Earlier this week, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg met Pope Francis at the Vatican. What did he give him? A drone, of course »

The Most Secretive Venture Firm in the World

A venture firm called In-Q-Tel…

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Tags: Mark zuckerberg Social media

Three Paths to 30-Day Profits

Once upon a time, start-up investors had to be extremely patient:

After getting in on a “ground floor” investment, they’d need to wait for years and years as the start-up morphed into a real business—the kind of business that could get acquired or go public.

But recently, we’ve become aware…

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Tags: Instagram Mini ipo

A $237 Hamburger!?

Imagine going into your local diner and ordering a hamburger.

A few minutes later, it gets delivered nice and hot, cooked just how you like it. You gobble it up.

But then the waitress drops off the check and—$237!? What the…

You might be thinking, “C’mon, Wayne. A hamburger…

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Tags: Agfunder Agriculture text Agtech Farm from-a-box

Returns from Quantitative Investing

The Kauffman Foundation’s Angel Investor Performance Project (AIPP) was literally the largest study ever conducted on the returns of early-stage investing.

To gather the data, the authors took results from 539 individual angel investors, and 86 different angel investor groups. These angels were involved with 1,130 companies.

Many investors and…

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Did You Vote?

Did you vote last week?

Your fellow Crowdability subscribers sure did!

We held the vote so you could pick the topic of Crowdability’s next sector report.

It was a close race, but the winner is… the IoT sector.

Those three letters represent one of the hottest trends in tech today:

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Tags: Internet of-things Start ups