AngelList Syndicates Let You Follow the Pros
A "Goldmine" for Real Estate
- Invest in…
One "Electrifying" Crowdfunding Idea
Why Did Google Invest $250 Million Into A Taxi Service?
Start-up Raises $250k In 53 Minutes -- Good News For You
“Who are these companies raising money online?” read the email in my inbox yesterday. “Can’t they raise money the old-fashioned way?”
Over the last few weeks, we’ve received several emails at Crowdability asking similar questions.
It seems some of our members have concerns about the quality of start-ups on crowdfunding…
How To Buy Shares in a Later Stage Company
A "Mutual Fund" For Start-Ups
Three Exit Strategies for Angel Investments
The cheerful stewardess on my red-eye to Argentina was delivering her pre-flight speech. Her soothing voice washed over me as I sat in a window seat, reading a business plan for a technology start-up on my laptop.
“There are 10 emergency exits on this Boeing 777 aircraft: 4 in the…
NY Times Announces 8 "Cutting-Edge" Companies, 5 Years Too Late
Last Thursday morning, as I was browsing headlines on The New York Times, I saw an article entitled, “Which Start-Up Could Be the Next Big Thing?”
That’s a serious newspaper and an exciting topic. Coffee in my left hand, mouse in my right, I clicked on through.
After the author…
How to Get Liquid on Your Equity Crowdfunding Investments
Few things are certain in this world; few things are actually guaranteed.
Ben Franklin famously put death and taxes on his list. But on a sunny summer day in August, I’m not so interested in addressing those dreary topics.
Guaranteed money, on the other hand — now there’s something that…