The 3 Most Common Crowdfunding Concerns

“Can I really make money with equity crowdfunding? I mean, does this even make sense for someone like me? I’m not a 'professional'  investor.”

Every week, we receive emails from Crowdability subscribers asking different versions of this same question.

Most investors agree that equity crowdfunding sounds promising…

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Tags: Crowdfund investing Crowdfunding concerns Crowdfunding expensive Crowdfunding myths Equity crowdfunding Investing Portfolio

3 Proven Strategies for Angel Investing Success

“Diversification is protection against ignorance.”

That little gem comes courtesy of one of the world’s most successful stock market investors: Warren Buffett.

And we must admit, Mr. Buffett has done pretty well for himself without the benefits of diversification.

That said, we’re not so sure how Mr. Buffett would do…

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Tags: Angel investing Crowdfunding Diversification Early stage-investing Equity crowdfunding Kauffman foundation Report

How to Get Liquid on Your Equity Crowdfunding Investments

Few things are certain in this world; few things are actually guaranteed.

Ben Franklin famously put death and taxes on his list. But on a sunny summer day in August, I’m not so interested in addressing those dreary topics.

Guaranteed money, on the other hand — now there’s something that…

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Tags: Acquired Angel investing Crowdfunding Equity crowdfunding Exit Guaranteed Ipo Liquidity Ma Mergers and-acquisitions Venture investing

September 7th: Your $50 Million Payday?

Slipping a tight blazer over his tee-shirt, the entrepreneur bounded onto the stage.
He glowed with confidence as he presented the vision for “Qwiki,” his technology start-up:
Qwiki would automatically create short videos on search terms like Albert Einstein orLady Gaga. With sight, sound and motion, the search…

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Tags: 500 startups Accelerators Angel Crowdfunding Demo days Early stage Ideas Investing Qwiki Techcrunch disrupt Techstars Ycombinator