This Week in Tech
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Good News: Zombie Spiders are Coming
Zombie spiders. Sounds like something from a horror film. But once you hear what's inside these post-apocalyptic arachnids, your opinion might change »
Addicted to Fast Food? Blame These Two People
A whopping 90% of Americans have eaten at McDonald’s in the past year. You’re probably among them — and you have these two people to thank (or blame) for it »
Oxford Scientists Reveal They Achieved Teleportation
Researchers at Oxford say they’ve achieved something once considered the realm of science fiction: the ability to teleport »
A New Place To Live — Under the Sea
Along the Welsh border, an anonymous investor is pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into a real-estate venture that’s underwater. What’s going on here? »
Now Boarding: A Quick Trip to Mars
Traveling to Mars currently takes nine months, making the prospect of a quick interplanetary trip impossible. But now, everything is changing »