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This Week’s Best Reading
Get Yours In The Secondary Market
With start-ups staying private longer these days, early employees are often eager to cash in some of their equity. This is good news for you. Here’s why.
The last time a tech bubble burst, the entire stock market collapsed. Although Jeff Carter of Hyde Park Angels thinks it’ll be different this time around, he does advise you to be ultra-disciplined.
Texting it Old School
With all the fancy apps out there that add bells and whistles to texting, one might think that regular old texting is going the way of the Dodo. Think again.
“You said ‘NO’ to Shark Tank??”
Entrepreneurs who appear on the show are hoping for a cash infusion – without losing control of their companies. But what happens when having it all isn’t possible? These 2 companies turned down the money – and are better off for it.
Your Smartphone is Being Spied On
Hackers can grab information from your phone with ease – and this vulnerability has telecom giants and governments freaking out. But these apps can protect you. Check them out.
Searching for The Hustler
This terrific graphic from OneVest shows you how to spot the difference between a founder who’s a charlatan, a martyr, and a hustler. Keep it handy as you evaluate start-ups to invest in!
The “Double Black Diamonds” of Start-Ups
Adam D’Augelli has described hardware start-ups as among the most difficult companies to launch and scale. Here’s what he looks for in hardware investment opportunities.
Start-Up Aims to Kill Car Salesmen
Ok, maybe that headline was a bit melodramatic. The point is that few among us take pleasure in the car buying experience. So one start-up aims to change everything. Check it out.