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Meet the $72 Million Hair Dryer
Sir James Dyson, the inventor of bagless vacuums, paperless air purifiers, and bladeless fans, has a new device for you. It took 103 engineers, a 13-blade motor, and 7,000 acoustic tests to make it perfect. The Supersonic will blow you away.
[Video] New Gloves Translate Sign Language Into Speech
A new glove with sensors is able to pick up movements in the hand and wrist, and translate those movements into spoken words. 70 million people now have a new way to communicate with the world. In a word: inspirational.
Google Gives Employees Free Money and Time
Google executives were tiring of their employees walking out the door as soon as they came up with a start-up idea. So now Google employees will be given time to work on their start-up—plus the promise of money. Sign me up!
Robot Monk Captivates China
Mixing spirituality with Artificial Intelligence, Xian’er is a two-foot-tall, advice-dispensing robot. If you tell him, “I’m not happy,” he has a monk-like response: “If you’re not happy, what can anyone else do about it?” Heal thyself.
[Video] Explore Solitary Confinement in 360 Degrees
Ever wonder what it’s like to spend every second of your day in a 6x9 cell? This virtual reality experience puts you inside a solitary confinement prison cell—and it reveals the psychological damage that can ensue. Scary stuff.