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Ride the “Whale Bus”
A series of paintings from around 1900 depict what life might look like in the year 2000. Catching a ride on a giant seahorse doesn’t look very comfortable—but perhaps the time has come for the “Whale Bus.” Meet George Jetson.
[Video] Bezos Rocket Nails Takeoff and Landing
After reaching a speed of Mach 3.7 and an altitude of more than 300,000 feet, Jeff Bezos’s Blue Origin rocket gently touches down just four-and-a-half feet from the center of the landing pad. Nailed it.
Programmer Writes Code to Automate His Life
If any routine task required more than 90 seconds of his life, a clever but odd computer programmer wrote a script to automate it. These tasks included texting with his wife, dealing with angry clients, and brewing a latte. Lazy man!
Trading ISIS for Prozac
An ISIS propaganda website has been taken down by hackers and replaced with an advertisement for a site selling Prozac and a message: "Too Much ISIS. Enhance your calm.” Pop the pill here.
[Video] 3D-Printed Revolver—With Your Name On It
It’s a deadly game. People are circumventing gun regulations by printing their own revolvers at home. Dubbed the PM522 Washbear, this particular gun is printed in ABS plastic and fires .22LR bullets. Build, Aim, Fire.