In his article last week, Wayne addressed a frightening situation in America today:
The retirement crisis.
As he explained, even if you have a nest-egg saved up — and even if you have time before you retire — two threats are about to destroy your plans:
The first threat is a correction in the stock market…
You see, we’re currently in the longest-running bull market in history. At some point, the market will crash. And when it does, your nest-egg could be left in tatters.
Then there’s the second threat: the U.S. Social Security program is on a path to bankruptcy. Studies show it will be virtually impossible for it to maintain payouts in the future.
So if you were counting on social security to keep you afloat once you retire, think again.
A Simple Solution for a Better Retirement
This retirement crisis is a problem you can’t afford to ignore.
You need to start coming up with some solutions immediately.
Which is why we recently sent out a survey to a small group of our readers — we asked them how we could help them prepare for this crisis.
And this is one of the responses we saw the most:
“Help me build a bigger nest-egg!”
So today, I’ll reveal my favorite strategy for building your nest-egg… and building it fast.
As you’ll learn, it all starts by making one small change to your portfolio…
The “Average Investor’s” Portfolio
If you’re like most folks, your portfolio probably has some stocks, some bonds, and maybe some real estate.
Historically, a balanced portfolio like that has returned about 6% a year.
6% a year isn’t necessarily a “bad” return. But if you didn’t start investing until later in life, or if you’re still recovering from the 2008 crash, it might not be enough to help you retire.
You see, even if you’re starting with a $100,000 portfolio and you’re still 10 years from retirement, a 6% annual return will only help you grow your assets to $179,000.
In other words, if you’re only earning 6%, you may have to delay your retirement for years — or you may have to keep working indefinitely.
But now I’m going to reveal a tiny tweak that could have a big financial impact…
In fact, this single change could cause your overall portfolio to skyrocket.
The Secret to a Seven-Figure Nest-Egg
As long-time Crowdability readers know, historically, early-stage private equity — in other words, investing in “startups” — has trounced the stock market:
As an asset class, startups have returned about 55% per year.
But you don’t have to re-arrange your whole portfolio to take advantage of these returns…
All you need to do is add a tiny amount of private equity.
Let me show you what I mean…
Proof: Double Your Returns
Again, if you have a $100,000 portfolio and earn 6% per year, in 10 years, you’ll have $179,000.
But look what happens if you add some private equity:
Let’s assume you keep 90% of your assets ($90,000) in stocks and bonds, and put the remaining $10,000 into private equity.
At 6% per year, over ten years, your $90,000 would turn into $161,000.
But given the 55% historical annual returns of private equity, over 10 years, that $10,000 would turn into $800,418.
So in total, your portfolio would now be worth a staggering $961,594.
This is what makes startup investing so powerful: by allocating just 10% of your portfolio to private equity, you could add more than $800,000 to your retirement account!
Unfortunately, there’s a major drawback to this strategy…
What If You’re Starting from Zero?
If you have some time before you retire, and you have at least $100,000 to invest, the strategy I just showed you is perhaps the single best way to grow your portfolio.
But what if you’re only a couple of years from retirement, or you’re already retired?
And what if, like most Americans, you have little or nothing saved for retirement?
Well, if that’s your situation, don’t worry: we have a solution!
In fact, based on the survey I mentioned earlier, this solution can help most of our readers…
After all, when we asked how we could help you prepare for the retirement crisis, the most popular response was this:
Help me generate way more income, right now!
So here’s what we’re going to do…
An Extra $5,000 Every Month
Tomorrow, Wayne’s going to share one of the most extraordinary — and most profitable — income-generating strategies we’ve ever come across.
Essentially, even if you’re just a few years from retirement…
Even if you’re already retired…
And even if you have very little or no money to invest…
This strategy can help you earn an extra $5,000 — every month!
So stay tuned.
Best Regards,