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This Week’s Best Reading
Crowdability Closes $1 Million Round
Some news close to home: Crowdability raised $1 million in seed funding from top investors including Steadfast Venture Capital, Howard Lindzon, and Rikki Tahta. Read the official announcement.
Why Is This Man Smiling?
Rep. Patrick McHenry hopes an equity crowdfunding bill will make it through the House Financial Services Committee next month. "We've got a better-than-even chance at success," he said. Get the full story.
This Exciting Venture Fund Drones On and On…
Angel investor David Weekly explains why he’s creating a syndicate on AngelList to focus strictly on drones. It's curiously interesting.
Crowdfunding Platforms Fill Their War Chests
Crowdfunding platforms are pioneering a new business model. They’re trying to sell a new type of service to a new type of customer. That costs money. A lot of it.
How to Become a Start-Up Friendly City
Dozens of mayors around the world are trying to figure out how to attract tech companies and deliver a surge to their economies. One of the few places that’s pulled it off is Tel Aviv. See how they did it.
The Most Obvious Start-Up Opportunity in Decades
Every now and then a movement will gather steam, and an entire industry will emerge to support it. One such movement is staring us right in the face.
Crowdfunding Growing at a Startling Rate
One fact in particular illustrates the explosive nature of the crowdfunding industry. See what it is here.
When "Negativity" in a Start-Up is Good
Meet a new advice website where start-up CEO entrepreneurs can go to share all their embarrassing and costly mistakes. Check it out.