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Send a Fax from the Beach? Wow!
In 1994, AT&T released a series of ads called “You Will.” These ads highlighted futuristic technologies that seemed mind-boggling at the time. Check out what AT&T got right… and what they got so wrong.
Humans, Step Away from the Car
Google’s self-driving cars have traveled 1.8 million miles so far, almost entirely accident free. There’s just one problem: human drivers keep smashing into them.
Atomic Energy: It’s Your Turn
Sam Altman runs YCombinator, the start-up accelerator where homeruns like Dropbox and Airbnb began life. Altman believes energy is the #1 problem to solve—and he’s inviting you do join him.
For Rent: $900/Month Tent Near Google
Airbnb is listing a Mountain View, California rental for the bargain price of $900 a month. The listing is for, literally, a tent in someone’s backyard. Has the world gone mad?
The 12 Best Tech Products Ever
Mark Suster is a top-notch venture capitalist. In his line of work, he sees just about every game-changing technology and company. In this post, he reveals a dozen of the products and companies that he loves—and isn’t an investor in.