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IBM Creating Cure for All Viruses—from Ebola to Zika
IBM has created a “macromolecule” that stops any virus from spreading. These molecules aren’t tricked by mutating virus strains, and they’re not toxic to healthy cells.Big blue to the rescue?
Drone Start-Up To Plant One Billion Trees a Year
Every year, 26 billion trees burn down, while only 15 billion are replanted. Now, by dropping billions of pre-germinated seeds from the air, a new drone start-up aims to help. What’s that up in the sky?
Why Do Toes Fall Off Spontaneously?
The word of the day is “auto-amputation.” It means a limb—usually a toe—has decided to slowly amputate itself. Try to forget you ever read this disturbing fact and carry on—or read more about this unfortunate condition here.
American Scientists Create Half-Human, Half-Animal
Researchers in the US are creating half-human, half-animal embryos. Their goal is to create farm animals with human organs. These body parts could then be harvested and transplanted into sick people. Does this cross the line?
Six Men Stand Under An Exploding Nuclear Bomb
About 65 miles northwest of Las Vegas, six men stood close together on a patch of ground. Directly overheard, they watch as a 2-kiloton nuclear bomb is detonated. They weren't crazy. They weren't being punished. So why did they do it?