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Google to Inject Cyborg Lenses Into Your Eyeballs
Google just patented a disturbing new technology that injects a computerized lens directly into your eyeball. It will remove the lens of your eye, inject fluid, and then insert an electronic device. Yuck. Couldn’t they stick to being a search engine?
Facebook Pays 10-Year-Old Boy $10,000 to “Hack” Instagram
Facebook paid a $10,000 reward to a 10-year-old Finnish boy for finding a glitch in its picture-sharing app, Instagram. The boy says he’s considering a career in data security—but for now, he’s focused on using that $10k to buy a sweet new bike.
Yahoo's Marissa Mayer Gets $55 Million… To Leave
Marissa Mayer, the CEO of Yahoo, will make out just fine even if she sells the embattled company or gets fired. Wouldn’t you be fine if your worst-case scenario was a $55 million payday? See you later!
Terrorist Taken Down By Old-School Technology: A Poisoned Arrow
Authorities in northern Cameroon say a local self-defense group used a poisoned arrow to kill a woman with explosives strapped to her body. Better than drones.
Self-Driving Cars Means… More Sex?
Federal bureaucrats are raising concerns about self-driving cars. In particular, they’re worried that drivers with nothing better to do will engage in some serious hanky-panky behind the wheel. Stop-and-go traffic will never be the same.