Robots That Can Cure Cancer?

By Crowdability, on Friday, January 8, 2016

You rely on Crowdability to bring you the best deals. Now, rely on us to share the most up-to-date news, trends and opinion. You won’t find this stuff in the mainstream press. Look for it every Friday morning.

Japanese Researchers Make Holograms You Can Touch

Imagine Skyping a business colleague who’s across the country—and reaching out to physically shake her hand. Or what if you could give a hug to a hologram version of a friend you’re chatting with? More touching moments here.

Don’t Make This $2,021 iPhone Mistake

Ashton Finegold didn't think much of the text message he received from his mobile phone service saying that he was nearing his data limit. But then he received a phone bill—for $2,021.07. The culprit? Apple’s “Wifi Assist.”

Couple Pays $100,000 for a New Puppy

Richard Remde and Laura Jacques from West Yorkshire, England paid $100,000 to have their deceased dog—a boxer named Dylan—cloned. This is stranger than fiction.

A New Boost for the Private Markets

On December 4, 2015, something called "the RAISE Act" was signed into law. Now, employees and early investors in start-ups will have an easier time selling their shares.Liquidity is good.

App Deciphers Meaning in a Baby's Crying

A new app developed by Taiwanese researchers can help anxious parents differentiate between a variety of crying sounds made by their babies—from “hungry” to “sleepy” to “wet diaper.” Go gaga here.

Special Hat Protects You from Cold, Wind… and Radiation

A recent Kickstarter campaigns is offering fashionable hats that claim to protect you from a variety of evils—including cell phone signals and electromagnetic radiation. Get yours today!

Robots That Can Cure Cancer?

In the first human trial of its kind, tiny robots called “nanobots” are being injected into a human body in order to fight cancer. Rather than attacking every cell, DNA nanobots can recognize and interact with specific molecules. Read more here.


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Tags: Apple Cloning Holograms Iphone Private market Robots

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