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The Journey: From Refugee to CTO of Uber
In 1979, 10-year-old Thuan Pham snuck into a refugee boat in Vietnam. His chances of survival were 50/50. By 2016, Thuan had become the CTO of one of the most valuable private companies on the planet. Get inspired here.
Teenagers Having Less Sex
A recent study found that the rate of teenage pregnancy in England is down 50%. But why? One theory suggests teenagers are spending less time getting drunk and having sex, and more time obsessing online. Blame Facebook.
Massive Movie Screen for Driverless Cars
Driverless cars might be safe—but if you’re not driving, what’ll you do instead? Ford, the American motor company, thinks you’ll kick back and watch a movie on your 50-inch windshield screen. Pass the popcorn.
[Video] This Bazooka Shoots Drones From the Sky
Law enforcement agencies are increasingly worried about drones being used in criminal or terrorists acts—from delivering drugs to blowing up the White House. Fear not: a shoulder-mounted bazooka called the SkyWall 100 will save the day.
[Pictures] Broke College Kid Plays Doctor on Himself
Amos Dudley had crooked teeth. He found himself wondering what would stop someone with a 3D printer from making his own orthodontic braces. As it turns out, not much.