You rely on Crowdability to bring you the best deals. Now, rely on us to share the most up-to-date news, trends and opinion. You won’t find this stuff in the mainstream press. Look for it every Friday morning.
The Full Monty
A super successful early-stage investor named Fabrice Grinda reveals the highs and low of his portfolio, and talks about the strategy behind it all. Don’t be shy: Check it out.
Blame The Unicorns
Despite a solid economy and a strong stock market, the market for U.S. IPOs has slowed to a trickle. What happened?
Calling All Investors
Last week, the SEC overturned a major law. In just 59 days, all U.S. citizens (including you) will finally be able to invest in “Pre-IPO” companies. Are you ready?
“Daddy, Where Does VC Money Come?”
OK, no child has ever asked that… but just in case they do in the future, this excellent article will give you everything you need to provide an intelligent response.
I’ll Bet You $100,000
Sam Altman, the head of start-up accelerator Y Combinator, is sick of all the talk of “bubbles.” So he’s challenging any venture capitalist on the planet to a big bet. Read all about it here.
It’s Got a Twist…
With ten years of experience in enterprise technology, venture investor Kevin Spain believes he’s found the next $100 billion market opportunity. Know what it is?
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The Crowdability Team