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Goldman Sachs Pays for Prostitutes
In order to win business from a Libyan investment fund, evidently Goldman Sachs bankers paid for prostitutes, private jets and five-star hotels. Ah! So that’s how Wall Street works…
Chinese Government Fakes 448 Million Facebook Posts
According to a new study by Harvard data scientists, the Chinese government is trying to create the appearance of “viral” outbursts of internet activity. Sure, this is bad. But is it any worse than all those posts from that annoying friend of yours?
Algorithm Writes Hilarious Movie
“Sunspring” is a funny science fiction film about three people living in a weird future, possibly on a space station, probably in a love triangle. But in a strange twist, the movie was written entirely by “Benjamin,” a computer system.
The Strangest Bookstore You’ve Ever Seen
Les Puf is a classic bookstore in Paris. It’s been in business since 1921. But considering that it’s a bookstore, some might find its new business model very strange:it has no books.
Facebook Accidentally Declares State of War
How easy is it to declare a state of war? In the Philippines, it's as easy as switching around the colors on the nation's flag. Last weekend, Facebook learned this the hard way.