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Uber for Birth Control
Nowadays, with just a few swipes and taps, you can summon a car, a 3-course meal, or even a parrot. One item, though, has remained difficult to obtain: birth control. But a new start-up is aiming to fix that.
Computer Paints a Rembrandt… And It’s Perfect
A team of art historians, software developers, and scientists ingested data from more than 160,000 works of Rembrandt—and then trained a computer to “paint” a Rembrandt of its own. Can you tell the difference?
Visit Paris, Sleep With Sharks
Airbnb is organizing a contest where three “lucky winners” will get a free trip to Paris. There’s just one catch: the winners will be sleeping in a transparent glass bedroom submerged in the 33-foot deep Paris Aquarium—and they’ll be surrounded by 35 sharks.
Chainsaw Attached to a Drone: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
A couple of Finnish farmers had some time of their hands. So they decided to attach a chainsaw to a drone. Good thinking, right?
[CNBC Video]: Hot Robot Likes Taste of Blood
Robots are finally reaching the mainstream, and “Androids” (humanlike robots) will soon be walking amongst us. Too bad they want to kill us.