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Alleged Prostitute and John Busted By Drone
An Oklahoma man has received the dubious distinction of being the first "john" in the state to be criminally prosecuted and arrested after being caught in the act by a drone. Don’t look now.
How To Raise $1 Million
A start-up founder reveals that he raised $1 million from investors in just three weeks—and tells aspiring entrepreneurs how they can do the same. Get the scoop, get the money.
Scientist Claims the “Real” Mona Lisa is Hiding Behind Canvas
After a decade of work, French scientist Pascal Cotte claims there are hidden portraits underneath the Mona Lisa—including one of a distinctly different woman. Who is she?
The First Penis Transplant
The New York Times reports that, within a year, a young soldier will have an operation that’s never been performed in the United States: a penis transplant.
Civilians Prepare for Battle
The FDA has issued clearance for a system to treat gunshot wounds in the civilian population. Unfortunately, it may be a timely move.