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This Week’s Best Reading
Veteran VC Sees Bubble… and Keeps Investing
Over the last three decades as a venture capitalist, Joe Horowitz has seen his share of bubbles. But while the current market has him scratching his head, he’s not pulling back. Here's why.
9 Seed-Funding Gotchas
When companies try to raise funding before they’re ready, they tend to run headfirst into a wall. Why? Here are the 9 “gotchas” of seed funding.
These College Kids Are VCs
“Callas Works,” an investment firm based in Salt Lake City, is an incubator for tomorrow's venture capitalists. The most shocking part? How successful these whippersnappers have been. Check it out.
CNBC Unveils Equity Crowdfunding Index
If there were any doubts that equity crowdfunding is going mainstream, this should put those doubts to rest. Read more here.
“House Calls” for Medical Pot Cards
Users create an account, and a doctor is dispatched to their door. Just 45 minutes later, customers are in possession of their marijuana prescription card. Hmm, can the doctor bring a pizza with him? Read more.
Happy Birthday, Facebook!
This week marked the 11th anniversary of one of the most successful start-up stories of all time. Take a trip down memory lane here.
FCC’s Net Neutrality Plan a Win for Start-Ups
If the FCC gets its way, it could spell good news for internet start-ups and consumers alike. Here's why…